Safety Instructions – read before use | Environment Firmware update Satos User Interface | Controls | Functions | Handling Technical Data Remote control | Flash triggering Power supply | Battery Maintenance | Repair | Consumables | Spare parts | Guarantee Accessories Charging station for up to 4 slide-in batteries
- Pulso L
- Siros S
- Siros L
- Scoro E + S
- Move 1200 L
- RFS 2.1
- RFS 2.2
- RFS 3
- Pulso G, Unilite and Picolite
- LED F160
- Scope D50
- Compatibility (Lamp <-> light shaper | Lamp <-> power pack)
- Locate your distributor or dealer
Pulso L
Siros S
Siros L
Scoro E + S
Move 1200 L
RFS 2.1
RFS 2.2
Pulso G, Unilite and Picolite
LED F160
Scope D50
Compatibility (Lamp <-> light shaper | Lamp <-> power pack)
Locate your distributor or dealer
RFS Interface (Radio Frequency System)
As a standard feature, Scoro power packs are supplied with a builtin RFS system. The antenna is not visible as it is integrated into the handle. RFS can be switched on or off with the key "ir/rf" (14).
A flash release is activated via RFS and IR by default. The definition of the IR/RFS key is entered in the LCD display under the position "Flash control" (section 14.12). The following settings are possible:
IR/-, -/RFS, IR/RFS. Switching off the RFS, simultaneously deactivates all the RFS functions from the camera transmitter. However, the computer connection with RFS is maintained. For flash triggering via RFS, the channel (studio address) must correspond with the channel of the RFS transmitter. The definition of the channel (studio address) is entered in the LCD display under the position "studio address" (section 14.14). If the power pack is triggered via RFS, flash triggering follows with a minimal time delay of approximately 0.8 msec. If RFS is used only for flash triggering (but not for remote control), the unit address is irrelevant.
Flash triggering via infrared receiver (ir)
The IR receiver can be switched on or off with the key "ir/rf" (14). If the function is activated, the blue LED next to the key lights up. A flash release is activated via RFS and IR by default. The definition of the IR/RF key is entered in the LCD display under "Flash control"(section 14.12). The following settings are possible: IR/-, -/RFS, IR/RFS. Scoro power packs may be triggered by broncolor infrared transmitters. If the power pack is triggered via infrared, the flash release follows with a minimal time delay of approximately 0.8 msec.
Photocell (cell)
The photocell can be switched on or off using the "cell" key (13). If it is activated, the blue LED next to the key lights up. After the first flash of a sequence, the active photocell will be deactivated and the blue info-LED next to the "cell" key (13) blinks. By pressing the "cell" key it is reactivated.
Sync socket
The synchronous cables art. no. 34.111.00 and 34.112.00 may be plugged into the sync socket (4) to trigger flashes via cable.
"test" key
This key (16) allows manual release of the power pack. Flash release is possible as soon as 70 % of the set energy is available.
The visual ready signal (16) however, lights up only when 100 % is available.
All broncolor infrared remote controls (servor) can ause inadvertent flash triggering. In this case, switch off the "IR" function (see section 14.12).